Saturday 27 February 2016

Difference between Good and Bad E-mails

Difference between Good and Bad E-mails


Electronic mail is also known as e- mail since 1993. E-mail is used to exchange digital information from one person to other and more recipient. Email works over the Internet or other PC network through an email supplier's server facility.

There is a tremendous contrast between good and bad messages. In this blog we will be discussing good and bad emails, how to compose a decent good looking email and how to differentiate between good and bad messages. An e-mail comprises of different parts: the message envelope, the message header, the body and the closing. All four are very important parts to compose a good email.  Firstly the subject line, utilize a couple of well picked words so that the recipient gets an idea what the email is about. Secondly, make one point for every email, it doesn't cost you for sending various messages; yet it costs you sending one letter.

 E-mail is an underestimated communication platform; it is more effective than making phone calls in most of the situation. It is well adopted by businesses as a communication medium, with the vast majority using it as primary communication channel. But E-mail effectiveness depends on the sender. Rather than tackling the estimation of the medium’s remarkable point of interest, many people tend to throw their thoughts in the body of e-mail and hit send. If the information is not put clearly, it’s obvious that the reader will interpret it wrong causing delay in the work.

“Email is the greatest marketing tool in history. If used properly, nothing is more personalized, inexpensive, interactive or easier to execute than email marketingChris Baggott

Qualities of E-mails

Qualities of Good E-mail

At some situations, telephone and face to face discussions are more effective and profitable, but in most cases, email is an excellent medium for sharing information – as long as it is utilized accurately. Here are the seven characteristics of a successful or fruitful email.
·        Concise: Make your e-mail as concise as possible Try to give lots of information clearly and in few words. E-mail should be brief and covering all the important information. It is easy to include every bit of information in one single e-mail as it can hold lots of information. But this is not the best approach. Make it short and focus on main idea. Unlike the telephone calls, you don’t have to invest energy making babble or presenting the issue, rather you can instantly start by displaying the most pertinent data. After you draft your e-mails, read it again and kill all the pointless sentences.
·        Goal Centered: Talking about objective, your e-mail ought to have one. If your e-mail doesn’t have its central intention you should not send it. Your e-mail should be center of everyone’s attention. Your central intention should be clear and easy to read. To make it clear you require a powerful subject line that can cover all your e-mail body. Include all the important information such as dates, names of the client etc.
·        Summarizing: In the summery you should cover all the items to date whether those were of recent or of last week. This will enhance everybody’s speed of reading the e-mail and make your goal of delivering information much clear. Don’t repeat all the past information again; (rather attempting to pass on the most essential component of the data) instead you are trying to include the most important element of that information in slighter space as possible.
·        Well-organized: Your e-mail should be composed coherently. Every message should be well thought and well organized. Get started with addressing the audience. For instance, you could isolate your segments sequentially by beginning with a recap of past gatherings, moving into a general outline, and consummation with a rundown of activity things. You can choose to organize information in any way but it should be recognizable anyone who reads it. Keep all important topic limited to its segment in your email, with no overflow.
Be polite:  Messages do have one potential downside. Always write in positive tone. Since they are composed, and not communicated with the extensive variety of vocal tones and non-verbal communication motions; we're utilized to put in interpersonal communication as they are prone to tonal distortion. That implies, you must be additional watchful to ensure your words are taken accurately and decently by the receiving party.

Explanation of Good and Bad e-mail

Good vs Bad E-mail

Proper e-mail etiquette is very important. We can find the main difference between good and bad e-mails from the subject and body of the e-mail. A good e-mail has a short body, clear message and proper grammar used in it. It’s very important that you keep personal and professional e-mails separate. Try to keep e-mail as short as possible. Be careful not to intimidate the reader with paragraphs or run on sentences. If you have lots of information then uses bullet points.

Bad e-mails are those in which subject is not clear, message is not clear, and nothing is according with the e-mail instruction. Good e-mails are those in which reader get the idea about the message by reading subject. The easier you make them to respond back the more likely they are to respond back to you. Be formal about your e-mails. Check your e-mail regularly and reply accordingly. Only make attachments when it is necessary. Do not attach unnecessary files. Your way of sending e-mails show respect for your fellows email users. It also reflects your company’s image.
Always start with the salutation.
§  Dear Mr. Smith or Dear Professor Linda ( in case someone you don’t know well)
§  Dear Veronica or Dear Wilson (in case you have working relationship)
§  Hi Anna or Hello Elli ( in case you know him or her personally)
Remember do not write in capital letters.
Always be careful about styling and formatting of your e-mail.
§  Use professional font
§  Don’t use multiple colors
§  Don’t include any background
Use a proper e-mail signature. An e-mail signature should have your name, position, company name, address, phone member, email address and website details.
Be careful while replying an e-mail. Answer the entire question in appropriate manner
Avoid sending e-mails to more than 4 addresses at once.
When any conflict rises due to any misunderstanding than speak in person with whom you are in conflict.

Things to Remember!

Dates, Grammar, and Punctuation

Dates are very important part in composing an email. To start, ensure about the dates when you are composing messages. Being unsure about the dates might lead the recipient to miss due dates, meetings, or other important things. 01/03, for instance, might be taken as January 3rd by a few and March 1st by others. Try to write the months name to reduce confusion and make it clearer. Wrong dates can ruin everything. So always give right dates and also double check the dates later when you are finished.
Punctuation in the e-mail also plays a vital role. Proper punctuation in the e-mail makes reading easy for reader. With the punctuation symbol like question mark, reader gets the idea that you are asking question.
Use of grammar in the e-mail plays most important part. It should be accurate and less confusing for the reader to read it. Good grammar is sign for good e-mail. Use of wrong grammar in the e-mail is worst part. So follow these steps before sending any e-mail:
§  Double check the e-mail before sending it to anyone.
§  Proofread the e-mail. Main key point to remember.
§  Keep the spell check on to make it easy.
§  Be careful while writing right words. We commit mistakes in the e-mail while writing different words such writing there to their, then to than, effect to affect, etc.

Here is a video where two people share information about how to write an effective e-mail

Proofread Proofread Proofread!