Saturday 27 February 2016

Things to Remember!

Dates, Grammar, and Punctuation

Dates are very important part in composing an email. To start, ensure about the dates when you are composing messages. Being unsure about the dates might lead the recipient to miss due dates, meetings, or other important things. 01/03, for instance, might be taken as January 3rd by a few and March 1st by others. Try to write the months name to reduce confusion and make it clearer. Wrong dates can ruin everything. So always give right dates and also double check the dates later when you are finished.
Punctuation in the e-mail also plays a vital role. Proper punctuation in the e-mail makes reading easy for reader. With the punctuation symbol like question mark, reader gets the idea that you are asking question.
Use of grammar in the e-mail plays most important part. It should be accurate and less confusing for the reader to read it. Good grammar is sign for good e-mail. Use of wrong grammar in the e-mail is worst part. So follow these steps before sending any e-mail:
§  Double check the e-mail before sending it to anyone.
§  Proofread the e-mail. Main key point to remember.
§  Keep the spell check on to make it easy.
§  Be careful while writing right words. We commit mistakes in the e-mail while writing different words such writing there to their, then to than, effect to affect, etc.

Here is a video where two people share information about how to write an effective e-mail

Proofread Proofread Proofread!

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