Saturday 27 February 2016

Difference between Good and Bad E-mails

Difference between Good and Bad E-mails


Electronic mail is also known as e- mail since 1993. E-mail is used to exchange digital information from one person to other and more recipient. Email works over the Internet or other PC network through an email supplier's server facility.

There is a tremendous contrast between good and bad messages. In this blog we will be discussing good and bad emails, how to compose a decent good looking email and how to differentiate between good and bad messages. An e-mail comprises of different parts: the message envelope, the message header, the body and the closing. All four are very important parts to compose a good email.  Firstly the subject line, utilize a couple of well picked words so that the recipient gets an idea what the email is about. Secondly, make one point for every email, it doesn't cost you for sending various messages; yet it costs you sending one letter.

 E-mail is an underestimated communication platform; it is more effective than making phone calls in most of the situation. It is well adopted by businesses as a communication medium, with the vast majority using it as primary communication channel. But E-mail effectiveness depends on the sender. Rather than tackling the estimation of the medium’s remarkable point of interest, many people tend to throw their thoughts in the body of e-mail and hit send. If the information is not put clearly, it’s obvious that the reader will interpret it wrong causing delay in the work.

“Email is the greatest marketing tool in history. If used properly, nothing is more personalized, inexpensive, interactive or easier to execute than email marketingChris Baggott

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