Saturday 27 February 2016

Explanation of Good and Bad e-mail

Good vs Bad E-mail

Proper e-mail etiquette is very important. We can find the main difference between good and bad e-mails from the subject and body of the e-mail. A good e-mail has a short body, clear message and proper grammar used in it. It’s very important that you keep personal and professional e-mails separate. Try to keep e-mail as short as possible. Be careful not to intimidate the reader with paragraphs or run on sentences. If you have lots of information then uses bullet points.

Bad e-mails are those in which subject is not clear, message is not clear, and nothing is according with the e-mail instruction. Good e-mails are those in which reader get the idea about the message by reading subject. The easier you make them to respond back the more likely they are to respond back to you. Be formal about your e-mails. Check your e-mail regularly and reply accordingly. Only make attachments when it is necessary. Do not attach unnecessary files. Your way of sending e-mails show respect for your fellows email users. It also reflects your company’s image.
Always start with the salutation.
§  Dear Mr. Smith or Dear Professor Linda ( in case someone you don’t know well)
§  Dear Veronica or Dear Wilson (in case you have working relationship)
§  Hi Anna or Hello Elli ( in case you know him or her personally)
Remember do not write in capital letters.
Always be careful about styling and formatting of your e-mail.
§  Use professional font
§  Don’t use multiple colors
§  Don’t include any background
Use a proper e-mail signature. An e-mail signature should have your name, position, company name, address, phone member, email address and website details.
Be careful while replying an e-mail. Answer the entire question in appropriate manner
Avoid sending e-mails to more than 4 addresses at once.
When any conflict rises due to any misunderstanding than speak in person with whom you are in conflict.

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